All orders are shipped with DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE. Track your parcel here. .
Please note that alternative shipping services cannot be used.
All orders are fulfilled from our warehouse in Japan.
Shipping fees vary depending on weight & shipping address, and will be displayed on the checkout page.
IMPORTANT: Please note that custom duties and local taxes are NOT included in shipping fees.
Customs Fees for United States Customers
Orders of USD 800 or less:
No customs fees (De minimis).
This applies to a maximum of one shipment per day per person. If you receive more than one shipment (including other purchases from overseas) this rule will not be applied. For further details and other exemptions please refer to your local tax office.
Orders between USD 800 and USD 2,500:
Customs fees will be charged via DHL (Informal Entry).
Orders of USD 2,500 or more:
Customs fees will be charged via DHL (Formal Entry).
Please be aware that providing your TAX ID and EIN to DHL is necessary.
Orders placed before 9 AM JST will be shipped on the same day.
Estimated delivery time by area:
North America: 2-4 business days
Hong Kong & Singapore: 2-3 business days
Europe: 3-5 business days
Rest of world: 2-6 business days
All orders are shipped with DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE.
Please note that shipping might be delayed in case of incorrect/incomplete address information or low stock.
For delivery to an address other than your home address (workplace, etc.) initial registration of your home address is required. IMPORTANT: Please note, that orders placed on the English online-shop cannot be delivered to Japan. If you wish to have your order shipped to a Japanese address (friends, hotel or hostel) we kindly advise to use the Japanese online shop. URL: (Only accessible from Japan).
If you fail to receive your order due to absence or refusal of delivery, the order will be considered as canceled and sent back to our warehouse.
Please note that orders cannot be re-shipped. If you still wish to make your purchase, please place a new order.
If deliveries get rejected or cancelled repeatedly, we reserve the right to refuse subsequent orders from specific users.
Please note that separate orders cannot be shipped in a single package.